100% Original Indian POND’S White Beauty Cream – 35gm

320.00৳ 350.00৳  (-9%)

20 in stock

Uses Of Cream: this cream is very famous beauty cream due to its effective result and also due to the number of having used. It is used in all over the world for the purpose of beauty. Here I will tell you some of its benefits that make it better or superior to all other beauty creams.

It reduces pimples from the skin It is used to remove acne from the skin It is used to remove spots from the face It is used to make skin oily It restores the glow of the face It reduces the melanin It protects the face or skin from the ultraviolet rays (Ultraviolet rays are the rays that emit from the sun and can be harmful to the skin). It fights with the signs of aging It reduces the itchiness of the skin It improves the skin condition How To put this cream on skin: Before rest, wash your face with facewash/cleanser and dry delicately, apply a little measure of Cream and put it on the skin so cream could enter into the skin.

In morning wash your face with facewash/cleanser. For seven days standard utilization of cream would roll out obvious improvements making your skin break out free, crisp and beguiling.

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